On July 21, 2020, this Board approved a spending plan for its allocation of the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) from the U.S. Treasury (Treasury), totaling $1.220 billion for COVID-19 related expenditures. On September 15, 2020, this Board approved a supplemental spending plan totaling $129.7 million, which supplemented the original CRF allocations and programs identified in the July 21 spending plan and authorized the Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or her designee, to adjust planned spending amongst approved spending plan and supplemental plan categories. Collectively, the spending plan and any Board-approved or Acting CEO adjusted supplements (collectively Spending Plans), continue to support the County’s efforts to: address the health, safety, and welfare of County residents and the communities they live in; support small businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19; and support local County government by enabling COVID-19 related services to be provided during the pandemic.